Beauty, Fashion, Food and Travel isn't the monopoly of the young. There's huge under-representation in the bloggersphere of women over the age of thirty. We don't just disappear when we hit the big three-zero, so it's about time we were celebrated in the way we deserve to be.
The 30 Plus Blog Collective is the brainchild of 30-something Hayley Carr, aka London Beauty Queen, who has been blogging since 2010. Back then she was a whippersnapper, but in 2015 felt the bloggersphere hadn't really moved on from celebrating young girls talking about lipgloss in their fairylight-lit bedrooms.
So she set about making a difference.
This isn't about being exclusive; it's about being inclusive. Of course any blogger of any age is welcome to sign up and be part of this amazing collective, but the focus is on representing categories that have mostly been unrecognised by now.
It's time to make a change. It's time to celebrate our diversity. It's time to kick ass.

Want to be part of The 30+ Blog
Collective and benefit from regular newsletters, networking events,
brand opportunities and so much more? Just fill in your details here and I'll update the list regularly to include all the awesome sites I discover.
Want to work with The 30+ Blog Collective?
Get in touch with me:
Want to work with The 30+ Blog Collective?
Get in touch with me: